
EXPERT Health & Safety Consultant

I am a professionally qualified, membership of three bodies, with over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry.  My CDM Advisor appointments to the client and/or principal designer and/or principal contractor will allow these CDM duty holders to meet the minimum core criteria to legally offer and accept those duty holder roles under the current Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

Projects within the UK


“Why must I have a CDM and/or a Health & Safety Advisor?”
CDM requires all duty holders to meet the minimum “core criteria” to legally offer and accept one of these roles, even if by default (which happens when you are working for a DOMESTIC CLIENT”)

“OK, so if I appoint Martin Lamont – what do you do and when do I need to do this?”
See the following services to find out more noting that each one must be obtained, as will be explained.

“Core criteria - what is this?”
All CDM duty holders must have the skills, knowledge, experience and appropriate training – although their own individual skills as an architect, designer and/or contractor is not in question they must have either an in-house (if they have one, and most do not) or external professionally qualified (in UK health and safety legislations – includes CDM Regs) health and safety advisor or consultant who must be appointed as soon as the client has appointed them as the Principal Designer (or lead Designer), Principal Contractor (or the single Contractor when there are no other contractors involved). 

Martin Lamont Client CDM Advisor Principal Designer CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses Site Safety Audit inspection

Client CDM Advisor

To advise how the client, designer or contractor can eliminate, reduce or manage reasons for work related illnesses, serious and fatal short/long term injuries, avoid prosecution/injury claims and comply with your statutory duties.

Martin Lamont Client CDM Advisor Principal Designer CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses Site Safety Audit inspection

Principal Designer
CDM Advisor

Architects/Designers and Design & Build Contractors have CDM obligations, noting that the client must appoint, in writing, a Principal Designer, and a Principal Contractor, if there will be or there are likely to be more than one contractor involved in the project as soon as the consent or instruction is given to progress with developing design details.

Martin Lamont Client CDM Advisor Principal Designer CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses Site Safety Audit inspection

Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor

Contractors must draw up a Construction Phase Plan which must be in place before the construction phase can legally start, plus CDM compliant welfare facilities, F10 Notice if it is Notifiable. You will require PCI and a draft H&S File from the PD or lead designer too. My CDM Advisor service is to ensure that these happen on your behalf.

Martin Lamont Client CDM Advisor Principal Designer CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses Site Safety Audit inspection

Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor

This is an additional service to review and advise on task specific RAMS that must be in place prior to those tasks starting on site, that the SMSTS trained site supervisor must induct those operatives, noting that the majority of accidents occur because either no RAMS nor monitoring/enforcing compliance had been carried out. PC’s have the legal sole responsibility for health and safety management on their site, and therefore must have a H&S Advisor or consultant to provide this support.

Martin Lamont Client CDM Advisor Principal Designer CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses Site Safety Audit inspection

Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses

Employers must provide health and safety training, noting that architects, designers and contractors must be aware of their CDM responsibilities, and have completed asbestos awareness training if producing designs or carrying out any intrusive work to a pre-2000 circa built building or structure, including all operatives involved with on-site evidence of having completed basic asbestos awareness training or annual toolbox talks refresher training.

Martin Lamont Client CDM Advisor Principal Designer CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) CDM Advisor Principal Contractor (PC) Health and Safety Advisor Training for CDM & asbestos refresher courses Site Safety Audit inspection

Site Safety Audit inspection

Contractors (whether they are the only contractor or the Principal Contractor) must monitor the site’s health and safety management arrangements, and the best way is to implement regular health and safety audit inspections and reports which should happen at least twice on short term projects (less than 2 months) where the first one must be carried out during the first day or start of the construction phase, then at least one follow up, or on a monthly basis throughout the construction phase period. This also allows the PC to comply with their CDM obligation to assist the client to meet this duty.


Duty Holders

CDM applies to the following duty holders:

Step 1: From the options below select the type that represents you the best.
Step 2: you’ll be shown bespoke services that fits your project requirements.

Discover CDM services for commercial projects Here

Discover CDM services for commercial projects Here

Organisations or individuals for whom a construction project is carried out that is done as part of a business.

Discover CDM services for domestic projects Here

Discover CDM services for domestic projects Here

People who have construction work carried out on their own home (or the home of a family member) that is not done as part of a business.

Discover CDM services for designers Here

Discover CDM services for designers Here

Organisations or individuals who as part of a business, prepare or modify designs for a building, product or system relating to construction work.

Discover CDM services for principal designers Here

Discover CDM services for principal designers Here

Designers appointed by the client in projects involving more than one contractor. They can be an organisation or an individual with sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to carry out the role.

Discover CDM services for principal contractors Here

Discover CDM services for principal contractors Here

Contractors appointed by the client to coordinate the construction phase of a project where it involves more than one contractor.

Discover CDM services for contractors Here

Discover CDM services for contractors Here

Those who carry out the actual construction work, contractors can be an individual or a company.



Whatever your CDM requirements, I will provide you with a quality competitive service that will enable you to discharge your CDM duties with confidence and ensure you, and your project, are CDM compliant with the law.

Call: 07963 016 467
